
Verbal conjugation are decided by mood, tense, and aspect. Infinitive verbs all have the ending -zy, which is changed by conjugation. They are respectively indicated by a vowel, a tone, and a consonant.


There are five moods:

  • ind indicative: a
  • rit ritual: e
  • int interrogative: i
  • imp imperative: o
  • sub subjunctive: u


  • pst past: falling
  • prs present: level
  • fut future: rising


  • hab habitual: j
  • cnt continuous: r
  • prf perfective: unmarked


In the ritual mood, another vowel representing verb's gender is added after the aspect consonant. The vowel is the same as for nominal gender. Note that it is not uncommon to use ritual mood without gender, such as when insulting.

The dictionary form shows this gender even though it is not in ritual mood.