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IPWHL packaging status

IPWHL dependencies

Below are packages which IPWHL depends on, all of which have been packaged.
  1. packaging
  2. toml
  3. tox
  4. pip
  5. flake8-builtins
  6. isort
  7. pep8-naming
  8. mypy

Top 1000 downloaded packages

As of 1st of October, 2021, IPWHL has packaged 569 packages, 348 of which are in the 1000 most downloaded packages (according to hugovk's report). Below is the list of them, with unpackaged ones marked as red and uses emphasized text:
  1. botocore
  2. urllib3
  3. boto3
  4. six
  5. s3transfer
  6. python-dateutil
  7. requests
  8. awscli
  9. certifi
  10. idna
  11. pyyaml
  12. setuptools
  13. pip
  14. colorama
  15. wheel
  16. rsa
  17. pyasn1
  18. pandas
  19. jmespath
  20. numpy
  21. typing-extensions
  22. cffi
  23. charset-normalizer
  24. packaging
  25. importlib-metadata
  26. protobuf
  27. click
  28. markupsafe
  29. jinja2
  30. pytz
  31. pyparsing
  32. zipp
  33. attrs
  34. docutils
  35. pycparser
  36. oauthlib
  37. google-api-core
  38. cryptography
  39. requests-oauthlib
  40. pyjwt
  41. chardet
  42. google-auth
  43. cachetools
  44. pyasn1-modules
  45. google-cloud-core
  46. toml
  47. websocket-client
  48. sqlalchemy
  49. flask
  50. decorator
  51. werkzeug
  52. isodate
  53. wrapt
  54. google-cloud-storage
  55. azure-core
  56. itsdangerous
  57. msrest
  58. googleapis-common-protos
  59. pyarrow
  60. pillow
  61. azure-storage-blob
  62. future
  63. py
  64. scipy
  65. multidict
  66. aiohttp
  67. yarl
  68. matplotlib
  69. docker
  70. jsonschema
  71. pyrsistent
  72. async-timeout
  73. pytest
  74. grpcio
  75. joblib
  76. greenlet
  77. tqdm
  78. google-api-python-client
  79. tabulate
  80. filelock
  81. pygments
  82. psutil
  83. azure-common
  84. google-resumable-media
  85. pluggy
  86. scikit-learn
  87. prometheus-client
  88. fsspec
  89. kiwisolver
  90. mypy-extensions
  91. lxml
  92. gunicorn
  93. defusedxml
  94. uritemplate
  95. gitpython
  96. futures (Python 2 is not supported)
  97. webencodings
  98. smmap
  99. cycler
  100. regex
  101. google-auth-httplib2
  102. httplib2
  103. pexpect
  104. gitdb
  105. ptyprocess
  106. ipython
  107. pyopenssl
  108. asn1crypto
  109. sqlparse
  110. absl-py
  111. cloudpickle
  112. prompt-toolkit
  113. virtualenv
  114. mako
  115. proto-plus
  116. markdown
  117. mccabe
  118. cython
  119. iniconfig
  120. bleach
  121. google-crc32c
  122. alembic
  123. ipykernel
  124. tornado
  125. requests-toolbelt
  126. traitlets
  127. pynacl
  128. tenacity
  129. platformdirs
  130. beautifulsoup4
  131. entrypoints
  132. ipython-genutils
  133. paramiko
  134. distlib
  135. jedi
  136. parso
  137. bcrypt
  138. pickleshare
  139. soupsieve
  140. python-editor
  141. adal
  142. google-cloud-bigquery
  143. appdirs
  144. backcall
  145. isort
  146. coverage
  147. psycopg2-binary
  148. redis
  149. tensorflow-serving-api
  150. py4j
  151. ujson
  152. google-auth-oauthlib
  153. pyzmq
  154. pymongo
  155. wcwidth
  156. openpyxl
  157. typing-inspect
  158. simplejson
  159. backports-entry-points-selectable
  160. nbformat
  161. et-xmlfile
  162. mistune
  163. nest-asyncio
  164. nbconvert
  165. testpath
  166. databricks-cli
  167. pycodestyle
  168. pandocfilters
  169. networkx
  170. threadpoolctl
  171. jupyter-client
  172. nbclient
  173. tzlocal
  174. typed-ast
  175. notebook
  176. send2trash
  177. jupyterlab-pygments
  178. terminado
  179. aiobotocore
  180. argon2-cffi
  181. pathspec
  182. msgpack
  183. jupyter-core
  184. oauth2client
  185. s3fs
  186. pyspark
  187. libcst
  188. ipywidgets
  189. widgetsnbextension
  190. prometheus-flask-exporter
  191. debugpy
  192. matplotlib-inline
  193. mock
  194. more-itertools
  195. ruamel-yaml
  196. mlflow
  197. lazy-object-proxy
  198. smart-open
  199. jupyterlab-widgets
  200. msal
  201. portalocker
  202. querystring-parser
  203. jeepney
  204. babel
  205. secretstorage
  206. cached-property
  207. importlib-resources
  208. msrestazure
  209. pycryptodomex
  210. argcomplete
  211. pymysql
  212. pyodbc
  213. nltk
  214. xmltodict
  215. configparser
  216. ruamel-yaml-clib
  217. tensorflow
  218. astroid
  219. pbr
  220. termcolor
  221. msal-extensions
  222. azure-identity
  223. pylint
  224. pyflakes
  225. tensorflow-metadata
  226. lightgbm
  227. flake8
  228. snowflake-connector-python
  229. psycopg2
  230. typeguard
  231. tensorboard
  232. sortedcontainers
  233. pytest-cov
  234. oscrypto
  235. azure-storage-common
  236. seaborn
  237. applicationinsights
  238. xlrd
  239. contextlib2
  240. tfx-bsl
  241. dataclasses
  242. gensim
  243. h5py
  244. tensorflow-transform
  245. zope-interface
  246. tensorflow-estimator
  247. gcsfs
  248. imageio
  249. marshmallow
  250. dill
  251. dnspython
  252. google-cloud-logging
  253. enum34
  254. pydantic
  255. tensorflow-addons
  256. boto
  257. gast
  258. keyring
  259. datadog
  260. setuptools-scm
  261. google-cloud-bigquery-storage
  262. distro
  263. pandas-gbq
  264. uamqp
  265. pydata-google-auth
  266. scramp
  267. tensorflow-data-validation
  268. elasticsearch
  269. azure-mgmt-resource
  270. sentry-sdk
  271. jupyter-console
  272. qtconsole
  273. qtpy
  274. tensorflow-model-analysis
  275. jupyter
  276. async-generator
  277. plotly
  278. gevent
  279. python-dotenv
  280. azure-eventhub
  281. azure-storage-queue
  282. text-unidecode
  283. toolz
  284. docopt
  285. typing
  286. slackclient
  287. deprecated
  288. azure-nspkg
  289. pyfarmhash
  290. pytest-runner
  291. pycryptodome
  292. sklearn
  293. xgboost
  294. websockets
  295. jsonpickle
  296. rfc3986
  297. azure-mgmt-core
  298. retrying
  299. black
  300. graphviz
  301. keras-preprocessing
  302. ipaddress
  303. xlsxwriter
  304. jdcal
  305. azure-mgmt-storage
  306. azure-devops
  307. django
  308. selenium
  309. pkginfo
  310. kubernetes
  311. mypy
  312. google-cloud-pubsub
  313. google-pasta
  314. imdbpy
  315. pywavelets
  316. lockfile
  317. aiofiles
  318. retry
  319. atomicwrites
  320. azure-mgmt-keyvault
  321. html5lib
  322. aioitertools
  323. opt-einsum
  324. python-jose
  325. statsmodels
  326. ecdsa
  327. azure-mgmt-containerregistry
  328. pendulum
  329. requests-file
  330. opencv-python
  331. azure-graphrbac
  332. azure-mgmt-authorization
  333. fuzzywuzzy
  334. colorlog
  335. ndg-httpsclient
  336. zope-event
  337. kafka-python
  338. randomstuff-py
  339. shapely
  340. geopy
  341. thrift
  342. pathlib2
  343. h11
  344. dask
  345. pycountry
  346. uvloop
  347. numba
  348. scikit-image
  349. pep517
  350. asgiref
  351. grpcio-tools
  352. blinker
  353. keras
  354. torch
  355. httptools
  356. pysftp
  357. grpc-google-iam-v1
  358. tensorboard-plugin-wit
  359. snowballstemmer
  360. sanic
  361. bs4
  362. imageio-ffmpeg
  363. statsd
  364. kombu
  365. inflection
  366. mysql-connector-python
  367. azure-keyvault
  368. argparse
  369. cattrs
  370. python-http-client
  371. cacheontrol
  372. unidecode
  373. pyathena
  374. llvmlite
  375. celery
  376. amqp
  377. telethon
  378. unicodecsv
  379. pytest-mock
  380. distributed
  381. jsonpointer
  382. backports-weakref
  383. ansible
  384. tensorflow-hub
  385. stevedore
  386. funcsigs
  387. moviepy
  388. humanfriendly
  389. motor
  390. proglog
  391. pygithub
  392. ply
  393. ijson
  394. python-slugify
  395. uritools
  396. apache-beam
  397. astunparse
  398. pytest-xdist
  399. urlextract
  400. billiard
  401. jikanpy
  402. pytest-forked
  403. execnet
  404. azureml-core
  405. astor
  406. tomli
  407. google-cloud-datastore
  408. sqlalchemy-json
  409. arrow
  410. faker
  411. keras-applications
  412. azure-cosmosdb-table
  413. tensorboard-data-server
  414. responses
  415. vine
  416. sendgrid
  417. tox
  418. backports-tempfile
  419. promise
  420. jsonpatch
  421. benbotasync
  422. flatbuffers
  423. fastavro
  424. fortnitepy
  425. tokenizers
  426. semantic-version
  427. azure-cosmosdb-nspkg
  428. sanic-routing
  429. tomlkit
  430. singledispatch
  431. tldextract
  432. virtualenv-clone
  433. sacremoses
  434. pg8000
  435. prettytable
  436. opencensus-context
  437. backports-zoneinfo
  438. python-json-logger
  439. tifffile
  440. pytzdata
  441. patsy
  442. opencv-python-headless
  443. opencensus
  444. poetry-core
  445. pycrypto
  446. marshmallow-enum
  447. hvac
  448. sphinx
  449. nose
  450. azure-datalake-store
  451. simple-salesforce
  452. koalas
  453. azure-storage-file-datalake
  454. apscheduler
  455. scandir
  456. apache-airflow
  457. pyproj
  458. croniter
  459. aniso8601
  460. transformers
  461. freezegun
  462. sniffio
  463. tensorflow-probability
  464. terminaltables
  465. pipenv
  466. httpx
  467. kfac
  468. pycairo
  469. azureml-dataprep
  470. httpcore
  471. jira
  472. watchdog
  473. djangorestframework
  474. pygobject
  475. azureml-dataprep-native
  476. gspread
  477. avro-python3
  478. backoff
  479. alabaster
  480. dotnetcore2
  481. ordered-set
  482. texttable
  483. sekkaybot
  484. imagesize
  485. shap
  486. flask-wtf
  487. apispec
  488. mysqlclient
  489. shellingham
  490. azureml-dataprep-rslex
  491. sentencepiece
  492. click-plugins
  493. flask-sqlalchemy
  494. confluent-kafka
  495. frozendict
  496. cfn-lint
  497. poetry
  498. pylev
  499. azure-keyvault-secrets
  500. flask-login
  501. tblib
  502. sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
  503. cleo
  504. iso8601
  505. requests-aws4auth
  506. mpmath
  507. idna-ssl
  508. pre-commit
  509. cachy
  510. flask-jwt-extended
  511. tld
  512. google-cloud-monitoring
  513. identify
  514. deepdiff
  515. nodeenv
  516. netaddr
  517. pyaml
  518. stringcase
  519. langdetect
  520. spacy
  521. flask-appbuilder
  522. starlette
  523. flask-caching
  524. antlr4-python3-runtime
  525. cfgv
  526. crashtest
  527. snowflake-sqlalchemy
  528. azure-mgmt-nspkg
  529. zeep
  530. junit-xml
  531. pygsheets
  532. semver
  533. curlify
  534. sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp
  535. python-daemon
  536. sphinxcontrib-qthelp
  537. sphinxcontrib-applehelp
  538. sphinxcontrib-jsmath
  539. sphinxcontrib-devhelp
  540. holidays
  541. python-levenshtein
  542. flask-cors
  543. pypandoc
  544. clikit
  545. pastel
  546. catboost
  547. moto
  548. cx-oracle
  549. facebook-business
  550. srsly
  551. maxminddb
  552. opencensus-ext-azure
  553. thinc
  554. python-magic
  555. azure-servicebus
  556. azure-cosmos
  557. configobj
  558. geographiclib
  559. email-validator
  560. fasteners
  561. redshift-connector
  562. convertdate
  563. blis
  564. python-consul
  565. murmurhash
  566. cymem
  567. aws-sam-translator
  568. authlib
  569. preshed
  570. ephem
  571. fastapi
  572. anyio
  573. awswrangler
  574. partd
  575. pydot
  576. datetime
  577. monotonic
  578. uvicorn
  579. emoji
  580. locket
  581. dateparser
  582. azure-mgmt-network
  583. altair
  584. jpype1
  585. wasabi
  586. cssselect
  587. yamllint
  588. ua-parser
  589. google-cloud-secret-manager
  590. backports-functools-lru-cache
  591. wget
  592. sqlalchemy-jsonfield
  593. pymeeus
  594. structlog
  595. sympy
  596. azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg
  597. sqlalchemy-utils
  598. korean-lunar-calendar
  599. commonmark
  600. wtforms
  601. pyhive
  602. validators
  603. catalogue
  604. knack
  605. raven
  606. pandas-profiling
  607. readme-renderer
  608. pymssql
  609. twine
  610. zope-deprecation
  611. starkbank-ecdsa
  612. pywin32
  613. torchvision
  614. phonenumbers
  615. pysocks
  616. munch
  617. expiringdict
  618. python-gnupg
  619. typer
  620. jsondiff
  621. azure-cli-core
  622. geoip2
  623. tensorflow-datasets
  624. ddtrace
  625. pypdf2
  626. azure-mgmt-datalake-store
  627. dataclasses-json
  628. docker-pycreds
  629. crcmod
  630. pytest-timeout
  631. pyotp
  632. bitstring
  633. aws-xray-sdk
  634. requests-mock
  635. collections-extended
  636. zthreading
  637. natsort
  638. sh
  639. azure-cli-telemetry
  640. azure-mgmt-compute
  641. flask-swagger
  642. geocoder
  643. cligj
  644. pip-tools
  645. graphql-core
  646. hiredis
  647. hpack
  648. azure-kusto-data
  649. azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics
  650. pydub
  651. jaydebeapi
  652. heapdict
  653. pyperclip
  654. flask-admin
  655. colour
  656. h2
  657. google-cloud
  658. slicer
  659. autopep8
  660. faiss-cpu
  661. onnxruntime
  662. hyperframe
  663. imbalanced-learn
  664. zict
  665. blessings
  666. opentracing
  667. flask-restx
  668. python3-openid
  669. django-cors-headers
  670. rich
  671. pytest-rerunfailures
  672. azure-batch
  673. currencyconverter
  674. python-keystoneclient
  675. pycurl
  676. gorilla
  677. boxsdk
  678. scp
  679. pathlib
  680. rx
  681. pymupdf
  682. parse
  683. hijri-converter
  684. json-merge-patch
  685. django-filter
  686. python-swiftclient
  687. google-cloud-bigtable
  688. azure-mgmt-batch
  689. tensorflow-text
  690. azure-mgmt-datafactory
  691. sasl
  692. fiona
  693. parameterized
  694. docker-compose
  695. gcloud
  696. watchtower
  697. google-cloud-spanner
  698. mozlog
  699. immutables
  700. pydocstyle
  701. flask-socketio
  702. coloredlogs
  703. marshmallow-sqlalchemy
  704. dm-tree
  705. mozrunner
  706. pem
  707. sphinx-rtd-theme
  708. fake-useragent
  709. keras-tuner
  710. hypothesis
  711. scrapy
  712. geomet
  713. onnx
  714. tableauserverclient
  715. cloudscraper
  716. guppy3
  717. sqlalchemy-redshift
  718. setproctitle
  719. dockerpty
  720. humanize
  721. setuptools-git
  722. google-trans-new
  723. bz2file
  724. cerberus
  725. user-agents
  726. datalab
  727. huggingface-hub
  728. invoke
  729. azure-eventgrid
  730. bokeh
  731. ml-metadata
  732. pytimeparse
  733. deep-translator
  734. passlib
  735. azure-cli-nspkg
  736. azure-mgmt-sql
  737. cassandra-driver
  738. twisted
  739. tfx
  740. ipdb
  741. multiprocess
  742. tinycss2
  743. bottle
  744. python-jenkins
  745. pycpfcnpj
  746. django-extensions
  747. gitdb2
  748. azure-mgmt-monitor
  749. multi-key-dict
  750. xlwt
  751. azure-mgmt-rdbms
  752. yapf
  753. pygame
  754. azure-mgmt-web
  755. pyluach
  756. lark-parser
  757. webob
  758. tensorboardx
  759. distribute
  760. s3cmd
  761. deprecation
  762. influxdb
  763. google-cloud-vision
  764. lunardate
  765. shazamapi
  766. azure-mgmt-dns
  767. cairocffi
  768. pdqhash
  769. contextvars
  770. azure-mgmt-redis
  771. numexpr
  772. pika
  773. findspark
  774. cssselect2
  775. clang
  776. pytesseract
  777. azure-mgmt-cdn
  778. azure-mgmt-trafficmanager
  779. redis-py-cluster
  780. aiodns
  781. gym
  782. hdfs
  783. incremental
  784. pystan
  785. pycares
  786. azure-mgmt-iothub
  787. pytest-asyncio
  788. azure-mgmt-devtestlabs
  789. unittest-xml-reporting
  790. factory-boy
  791. avro-gen
  792. scapy
  793. jsonpath-ng
  794. elasticsearch-dsl
  795. oyaml
  796. flask-bootstrap4
  797. azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices
  798. flask-breadcrumbs
  799. kazoo
  800. netifaces
  801. fire
  802. ml-pipelines-sdk
  803. brotli
  804. subprocess32
  805. pyserial
  806. mmh3
  807. intervaltree
  808. openapi-spec-validator
  809. cairosvg
  810. bandit
  811. azure-mgmt-containerservice
  812. azure-mgmt-cosmosdb
  813. python-snappy
  814. azure-mgmt-containerinstance
  815. pycalverter
  816. geopandas
  817. azure-mgmt-loganalytics
  818. plac
  819. jax
  820. ansible-core
  821. google-cloud-aiplatform
  822. tensorflow-cloud
  823. autograd
  824. azure-keyvault-keys
  825. azure-storage-file
  826. azure-mgmt-servicebus
  827. azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering
  828. hyperlink
  829. slack-sdk
  830. azure-mgmt-applicationinsights
  831. azure-mgmt-eventhub
  832. google-cloud-videointelligence
  833. azure-mgmt-msi
  834. azure-mgmt-search
  835. azure-mgmt-eventgrid
  836. functools32
  837. twilio
  838. jaxlib
  839. loguru
  840. azure-keyvault-certificates
  841. resolvelib
  842. tf-slim
  843. azure-mgmt-servicefabric
  844. automat
  845. azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup
  846. great-expectations
  847. azure-mgmt-recoveryservices
  848. azure-mgmt-billing
  849. azure-mgmt-media
  850. azure-mgmt-advisor
  851. constantly
  852. azure-mgmt-reservations
  853. django-storages
  854. azure-mgmt-managementgroups
  855. azure-mgmt-batchai
  856. azure-mgmt-consumption
  857. w3lib
  858. azure-mgmt-relay
  859. azure-mgmt-policyinsights
  860. azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices
  861. google-apitools
  862. thrift-sasl
  863. dulwich
  864. pytest-metadata
  865. azure-kusto-ingest
  866. uwsgi
  867. azure-loganalytics
  868. azure-mgmt-maps
  869. cchardet
  870. cfn-flip
  871. azure-mgmt-datamigration
  872. pathy
  873. configargparse
  874. google-cloud-firestore
  875. azure-mgmt-iotcentral
  876. azure-mgmt-signalr
  877. debtcollector
  878. chex
  879. spacy-legacy
  880. pytest-html
  881. patch
  882. google
  883. azure-storage
  884. jellyfish
  885. backports-ssl-match-hostname
  886. oslo-utils
  887. scrapy-splash
  888. webrtcvad-wheels
  889. pyxdg
  890. schedule
  891. oslo-config
  892. oslo-i18n
  893. optax
  894. avro
  895. cloudml-hypertune
  896. pyrogram
  897. pybind11
  898. lz4
  899. googleads
  900. azureml-telemetry
  901. flax
  902. ntlm-auth
  903. cmdstanpy
  904. pypng
  905. gin-config
  906. oslo-serialization
  907. reportlab
  908. pyaes
  909. service-identity
  910. pytest-django
  911. parsedatetime
  912. yq
  913. clickclick
  914. dicttoxml
  915. python-gitlab
  916. xxhash
  917. voluptuous
  918. graphene
  919. atari-py
  920. bitarray
  921. flask-babel
  922. asyncio
  923. keystoneauth1
  924. msgpack-python
  925. azure
  926. dvc
  927. codecov
  928. binaryornot
  929. checkdigit
  930. html5-parser
  931. requests-ntlm
  932. minio
  933. mlxtend
  934. lunarcalendar
  935. txaws
  936. python-utils
  937. itypes
  938. json-log-formatter
  939. dopamine-rl
  940. keras-nightly
  941. fusepy
  942. ml-collections
  943. coreapi
  944. appnope
  945. flask-restful
  946. aiohttp-cors
  947. mysql-connector
  948. aioredis
  949. setuptools-rust
  950. coreschema
  951. azureml-train-core
  952. tdigest
  953. sshpubkeys
  954. azureml-pipeline-core
  955. cmd2
  956. cliff
  957. fbprophet
  958. progressbar2
  959. azureml-train-restclients-hyperdrive
  960. mesh-tensorflow
  961. openapi-schema-validator
  962. youtube-dl
  963. simplegeneric
  964. hyperopt
  965. sshtunnel
  966. dm-sonnet
  967. graphql-relay
  968. databricks-api
  969. requests-futures
  970. tensorflow-gan
  971. tensor2tensor
  972. tgcrypto
  973. pathtools
  974. google-cloud-dlp
  975. click-didyoumean
  976. orjson
  977. inflect
  978. spark-nlp
  979. struct2tensor
  980. click-repl
  981. waitress
  982. flake8-polyfill
  983. pyee
  984. feedparser
  985. azure-mgmt-logic
  986. azure-servicemanagement-legacy
  987. smmap2
  988. django-debug-toolbar
  989. fabric
  990. suds-jurko
  991. exifread
  992. azureml-dataset-runtime
  993. prison
  994. django-redis
  995. azure-mgmt
  996. pystache
  997. azure-servicefabric
  998. ldap3
  999. pyglet
  1000. jupyterlab

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Urgent: not funding overturning election

Everyone: call on GM, American Airlines, UPS and other companies not to fund the campaigns of Republ…

via Richard Stallman's Political Notes October 12, 2021

How to use yt-dlp instead of yt-dl with mpv

I interact with YouTube using the text-based client pipe-viewer. I then watch any video using my fa…

via Hund October 12, 2021

On Being Trans

I promise this will be my only post on this blog about this in a long time. If I’m writing this is j…

via Posts on Ariadna Vigo October 9, 2021